Saturday 25 September 2010


This has got to be the most amazing street art i have ever seen! JR has traveled the world putting up these huge prints, he has posted them on the side of trains, the roofs of buildings and even covered the Louis Philippe Bridge in paris! You can see more photos and videos of his work on his website,

Posted By: Dan

Friday 24 September 2010

Flipping Paste-Ups

Over the last week or so I have been looking at loads of paste-up street art and have come across this a few times and have not been able to track down who the artist is...Until now!

These appere to be the work of a German street art collective called Mentalgassi, I have never heard of them before but i really like this idea! Very clever placement and execution! See more of there work here.

Posted By: Dan

Typographic Concrete

The series of large, concrete, typographic ‘text sculptures’ designed by award-winning Wellington typographer and graphic designer Catherine Griffiths are sited at various points along the waterfront. Each sculpture contains a quote by a well-known New Zealand writer with strong Wellington connections.

The brainchild of the Wellington branch of the New Zealand Society of Authors, the walk celebrates the city in which we live, makes literature more visible and encourages us to be more aware of our literary heritage.

The walk currently celebrates the work of 11 writers; Katherine Mansfield, James K Baxter, Robin Hyde, Bill Manhire, Bruce Mason, Patricia Grace, Maurice Gee, Patrick (Pat) Lawlor, Vincent O’Sullivan, Lauris Edmond and Denis Glover.

Thank you to Steven Roberts for sending me this.

Sent in by: Stevan Roberts

Apple of My Eye - An iPhone 4 Film

I found this a few months ago when the iPhone 4 had just come out, and i thought it would be worth posting! Apple of My Eye is a short film shot and edited entirely on the iPhone 4 / iMovie App in within 48 hours. This proves the quality of the phones camera and shows us what can be made using a small budget.

Found on:
Posted by: Dan

A Banksy Film...

Exit Through The Gift Shop is a must have for anyone who is intrested in street art. The film has been put together by Bansky, but he could not have done with without the footage from one man. The documentry features many street artists much as, Shepard Fairey, Space Invader, Banksy and more! Just go out and by it now!

Poster By: Dan

VNA12 – Cover shoot

When ROA was in town last month VNA hooked up with him and worked for 3 days on the cover shoot for VNA issue 12. Check out the amazing layers he painted…

For more photos from the shoot, including the front cover of the mag click here.

Found on: 
Posted By Dan

Toilet graffiti… With a message.

This may seem to be quite strange graffiti to stat with, but ends with a message that i wasn't expecting.

Found on: 
Posted By Dan

Wednesday 15 September 2010


Johnson Banks, logo mash-ups some are quite cleaver and some are pretty bad. Found on Thought For The Week. See the rest here!

Found on: The Disciples Of Design
Posted By Dan